

【摘要】尽管没有明确的宪法根据,但韩国国家赔偿法除了规定公务员职务不法行为引起的国家赔偿责任外,还确立了公共营造物设置或管理上的瑕疵引起的国家赔偿制度,并通过广泛地学术讨论与较完善的判例制度,将这一制度加以具体化,确立了赔偿责任成立要件理论、免责法理、赔偿责任承担者制度、赔偿标准、请求赔偿程序等理论及制度,并形成了其特色。这对于正在积极思考引入相关赔偿机制的中国学术界及实务界而言,具有很多借鉴和参考价值。 Although without clear constitution bases, besides State Compensation Law in South Korea builds the state indemnity liability system that public servant's illegal duty act causes, it builds state indemnity liability that defect of the design or administration of public building (public facilities) causes. State Compensation Law in South Korea embodies the provisions through widely academic discussion and perfect precedent system. It established the important documents theory of establishment of indemnity liability, legal principle of exemption, undertaker of indemnity liability, indemnity criteria, request indemnity procedure theory and system etc, and it came into being feature. As for perfecting China indemnity law system, these theories and systems have important reference meaning.

【期刊】期刊名称:美中法律评论 | 刊期:2007年第7期 | 出版时间:2007-07-01 | 页码:48-54 页





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